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MUSE is an experience, drawing from movement and writing, that takes us out of the analytical mind and into the creative, intuitive imagination. MUSE is a journey. It’s a place to write your stories, express your truths, listen as an art form, and empower your voice. 
This is not an academic writing workshop, focusing on critique; rather this is a supportive circle for generative writing.

LESLIE ST. JOHN, creator of Prose & Poses, uses the modalities of yoga, Qoya, and writing, to help people unshackle creativity, feel their bodies as allies, and cultivate more self-intimacy. Depth & Beauty Seeker. Enneagram 4w3. IG @proseandposes


Item Transfer Policy

If this event allows ticket transfers, you can transfer tickets to someone else by going into your confirmation email > View & Manage Order > Edit Ticket Info / Transfer. 

From there, you can change the name on the ticket & email it to the transferred person.