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DetailsTuba-Saw-Harmonica-Whistler-Fiddle-Banjo-Guitar and Vocals all in one Concert? I believe that this will be the first, one and only event with this combination, ever, in the History of the world. 
Yes, it's true.
The International Musical Whistling Champion and a two-time International Musical Champion of the Musical Saw are both coming to the Old Santa Rosa Chapel on September 10th. We have added Tuba, Fiddle, Harmonica, Banjo, Guitar, Cello and Vocals to the mix as well for what will most likely be one of the most unique and unforgettable performances you will EVER see and hear! 
Derek Bodkin, whistling, guitar, banjo, percussion and vocals
"Derek is hailed as one of the best melodic whistlers alive.
In September 2017, Derek Bodkin competed in and won the title of WORLD CHAMPION 2017 at the Master's of Musical Whistling competition" 
Read more about Derek:
Listen and Watch Derek:

Caroline McCaskey musical saw, violin, cello, vocals, piano, composer & educator 
"Caroline is the 2019 U.S. National Scottish Fiddle Champion and a two-time International Musical Saw Champion. She has been a soloist on the musical saw with the San Francisco Symphony among many others! 
A native daughter of the genre-bending West Coast music scene, Caroline McCaskey is equally at home with all her instruments in the traditional, improvisational and classical music worlds"
Read more about Caroline:
Musical Saw Website:
Listen & Watch Caroline:  (begin at 01:30)

Tony Clements is a tuba extraordinaire, conductor, composer & arranger, an inventor, biker and an adventurer.
"Clements has played with a multitude of orchestras and ensembles, including: 
San Francisco Symphony
San Diego Symphony
Oakland Symphony
Sacramento Symphony
San Francisco Ballet Orchestra
The San Francisco Opera Orchestra
As well as many freelance orchestras in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Tony is the Conductor of the Ohlone Wind Orchestra.
He has enjoyed many teaching positions throughout his extensive career, including Stanford University, Cal State East Bay (where he was Director of Bands for the 2006-07 school year) and Ohlone College, where he directs the 30-member Tuba Union of the Bay Area, a tuba ensemble comprised of local tubists.
In September 2007, Clements was named Director of Bands at Ohlone College, adding the Ohlone Community Band to his duties.
Clements holds demonstrations of Wessex Tubas’ instruments and is happy to invite interested musicians to play test his collection."

Michael Gaither, guitar, banjo, harmonica and vocals
"Bay Area native Michael Gaither is an award-winning songwriter whose songs alternate between the nostalgia of small-town life and the challenges of modern technology, always with plenty of humor thrown into the mix. He turned to songwriting after a background in journalism and a narrow brush with standup comedy. (He sold jokes to Jay Leno in a previous life)"
Michael has just released "Welcome Back: A Collection," his fifth CD of original material. Offstage, he is a DJ with the legendary KPIG radio. When not playing music or yammering on the radio, Michael also hosts two trivia weekly trivia nights up the coast in Santa Cruz."
Read more about Michael: Listen and Watch Michael:
Brynn Albanese, violin and wooden Native style flutes
Brynn is a Concert Violinist, Certified Music Practitioner and End of Life Doula. Her career has span over 36 years enjoying a life of musical experiences ranging from the Boston Pops, living and working overseas, playing with the world music band Cafe Musique, working sessions in Hollywood, exploring the world through music with children in public schools. Her passion is helping people live enriched and supported lives through terminal illness diagnosis, providing healing music as a service by the bedside in hospitals, skilled nursing and memory care centers, as well as continuing to dazzle audiences with her occasional Concertmaster and Solo work around the area and beyond.
Brynn is the Founder/Artistic Director of Cambria Concerts Unplugged. 

Special Guest: Thomas Dewey, cello
"Thomas began playing cello at age nine, building his classical chops as an orchestra and chamber music player in the Sacramento Youth Symphony and the California All-State Orchestra. In 2017, he performed the Saint-Saëns cello concerto with the UC Santa Cruz orchestra as a winner of the UCSC concerto competition in 2017. This is also when he first ventured beyond the classical realm, attending Sierra Fiddle Camp and developing an insatiable appetite for learning Celtic fiddle tunes.
He received a B.S. in Earth Science from UCSC in 2018, and currently works as an environmental geologist in Santa Cruz while playing as much music as possible in his free time. Thomas is a member of the San Francisco Scottish Fiddlers, and cellist for the dance band, Tartan Suite."

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