Welcome to Central Coast's Love in a Flash Speed Dating !
Here's the rundown:
You'll encounter a diverse array of singles in one evening, each encounter lasting only a brief interval. You'll enjoy a few minutes of conversation and exploration before transitioning to the next potential match. Following the event, you can indicate your interest in particular individuals, and we'll facilitate any mutual connections.
Our Speed Dating event is meticulously crafted to offer a stress-free and enjoyable experience for all participants. You'll find yourself in a laid-back ambiance, surrounded by fellow singles equally eager to establish meaningful connections.
So, why delay?
Register now for our Speed Dating extravaganza and discover who awaits you!
How it works:
Purchase your speed dating ticket to secure your spot (better to sign up early)
On the date of the event, arrive 15 minutes early to check in with our host
You'll be seated at a table and asked to rotate to the next number once our bell rings
After every 5-7 minutes, the bell will ring and you'll go on the next mini date
Takes notes to like/pass after each date with our dating pamphlet
After the event, Take a picture of your score card for your refrence and submit your connections
If you have a match, you'll be able to see their email and info
It's fun, easy to take part, and unlike anything you've ever done before.
You may meet the future love of your life, make a great new friend, or even meet a future business partner. This event has proven to be a huge success making lots of connections and bringing local singles together for a fun night supporting our local businesses.
Now you can enjoy up to 15+ dates in one event!