These are unprecedented times, and difficult emotions are often arising for many. This class is specifically designed to share yogic practices of emobodied movement, breathwork, and meditation that transfigure strong emotions into effective action.
If you are ready to renew, uproot habit patterns, feel aligned in your life, this is the class for you.
The ancient science of YOGA is designed to bring about practical life change and liberation from samskaric (habitual) patterns. Come and transfigure anger into effective action that inspires new beginnings of freedom. You will take home practices that will continue to flourish and serve you in this embodied life.

Please bring a yoga mat and a journal & pen,
*Important note: Classical Tantra is a spiritual science of self- inquiry and the authentic ancient study of energy centers (chakras). It is not to be confused with Western Neo-modern tantra that is not yoga (union). In other words, tantra is not sex.
Please contact Dawn at 805-540-1762 by text if you have any questions.
Dawn (Uṣā) Feuerberg, is a tantra meditation guide, shamanic wisdom keeper, classical ashtanga yoga instructor, a master tour guide, and founder of Aurora Adventures, LLC a wellness inspired travel and sacred event company. When she is not leading curated authentic adventures around the world, Dawn dedicates her time to sharing the ancient wisdom of classical tantra meditation, emboided yoga, shamanic rituals, and cosmic ceremonies. She teaches in a relaxed and open atmosphere for all levels so that her workshops and retreats can be used as a framework for practical life change. She’s known by her students as an inspiring, loving and compassionate teacher of sacred healing and deep meditative states. She was first introduced to meditation at age 9, began teaching yoga asana in 1998 and leading shamanic rituals in 2012. For 10 years, she studied and trained with Sally Kempton, the beloved world renowned scholar of non-dual tantra yoga philosophy. She currently studies classical tantra with Pandit Rajmani Tingunat of the Himalayan Institute in India and is finishing up her Master’s degree in yoga philosophy and Sanskrit at Yogic Studies (YSACP 500). Her life path has been an inward and outward journey of self inquiry, exploration and renewal and is honored to share the practices that have provided healing and vibrancy in her own life;m